We now accept tax-deductible donations! Please consider supporting our neighbors with financial requests at the “Donate” button below. We are still matching people for other types of support at the “Offer Support” button below.

¡Ahora aceptamos donaciones que se pueden deducir en los impuestos! Por favor considere ayudar a nuestres vecines que tienen necesidad de dinero usando el botón “Donate” abajo. Seguimos buscando gente para apoyar a vecines con otros tipos de ayuda usando el botón “Offer Support” abajo.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Mutual Aid Support for San Francisco Bay Area Residents

Please note: We are attempting to catch up on our extensive backlog of requests for financial support before accepting new ones. Once we finish addressing the backlog, we will open up the application for financial support again. Please feel free to request other types of support in the meantime.

Por favor, tome nota: estamos intentando resolver primero las numerosas peticiones de dinero ya recibidas, que están en espera, antes de aceptar nuevas demandas. Una vez terminadas las peticiones que están en espera, abriremos de nuevo la aplicación para ayuda financiera. Mientras tanto, tiene la posibilidad de pedir otros tipos de ayuda que no sean de dinero.

SF Mutual Aid is a community-driven response to COVID-19, to meet the most urgent needs in our neighborhoods.

We are a collective of Bay Area residents & organizers coming together for the purpose of meeting the needs of our local community members during the COVID-19 Crisis. In collaboration with neighborhood groups, grassroots organizers, and Bay Area nonprofits, we are working to fill in the gaps left by the state by providing resources and strengthening our community bonds through collective care.

Some ways neighbors are helping:

  1. Providing funds to support in paying for rent, utilities, medications, and other necessities*

    Please note that we have put a hold on accepting requests for funds, as we work through an immense backlog of requests. We will open up this option again once we have the capacity to address incoming requests.

  2. Delivering groceries, medicine, supplies or running errands for elderly, immuno-compromised, or other high-risk folx

  3. Connecting people with relevant resources in their communities

  4. 1:1 Phone calls and check-ins

  5. Tech support (help w/ delivery apps, video conferencing, etc.)

Creativity is welcome! Many of our volunteers have unique skills or resources that they would like to offer. If you are not sure where you might fit in, please feel free to fill out the form or email us, and we will follow up with you.

Please be aware that we are a group of people who want to share their time, energy and resources with neighbors. We ask anyone who is participating in this group (as a requestor or as a volunteer, or as both) to respect the boundaries of other folx involved. Under no circumstances should anyone be sharing contact information for someone they met through SFMA without that person’s explicit permission. We reserve the right to block the contact information of anyone who violates these boundaries. Thank you.

Image by valfre valfre.com

An Inch Wide, A Mile Deep

Mutual Aid is #trending right now because there is a deep need for these systems around the world. But in reality, they are not new. Many communities have been built off of these models for centuries, and can rely on them in times of crisis.

We believe these collective care models hold the secret to building strong, resilient communities - but only if we build them. This will take people like you stepping up to organize your neighborhoods, or join what already exists, and getting to know the stories of those you call neighbors.